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Getting Help in Core

Core Creator Forums

The Core Creator Forums are full of tutorials, questions other Core Creators have asked, opportunities to promote your work, and a place to put suggestions for future Core development.


The Frequently Asked Questions post on the Core Creator Forums is an excellent starting point to solve problems and get back to creation.

Core Creator Discord

The Core Creator Discord is a live social space where there are frequently other creators available to discuss challenges and potential solutions. It also includes channels in other languages and a live voice chat. It's an excellent place to find playtesters and get feedback on your game.

Help Center

The Help Center is the best place to go for any technical issues in Core.

Bug Reports

If you have noticed something you think is an error, help us by making a Bug Report.

Updating the Documentation

This documentation is written and editted both by Manticore and by the Core Creator Community. Create a GitHub Issue that describes what is missing or needs to be changed to help us improve.

Last update: April 2, 2020

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