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Lua Scripting API


Core scripts are written in Lua, using version 5.3.4 of the Lua library. Scripts are objects created and added to the hierarchy and/or templates, similar to other object types. Scripts added to the hierarchy will execute as soon as the game loads, while scripts inside templates execute with each newly spawned instance of the template.

Properties, functions, and events inherited by CoreObject types are listed below. Both properties and events are accessed with .propertyName and .eventName, while functions are accessed with :FunctionName(). Some types have class functions, which are accessed with .FunctionName().

Core Lua Types

At a high level, Core Lua types can be divided into two groups: Data structures and Objects. Data structures are owned by Lua, while Objects are owned by the engine and could be destroyed while still referenced by Lua. Objects all inherit from a single base type: Object. Data structures have no common parent. However, all data structures and Objects share a common type property, which is a string indicating its type. The value of the type property will match the section headings below, for example: "Ability", "Vector2", "CoreObject", etc. All Core types also share an IsA() function. The IsA() function can be passed a type name, and will return true if the value is that type or one of its subtypes, or will return false if it is not. For example, myObject:IsA("StaticMesh").

A lowercase type denotates a basic Lua type, such as string and boolean. You can learn more about Lua types from the official manual here. An uppercase type is a Core Type, such as Player and CoreObject.


Abilities are CoreObjects that can be added to Players and guide the Player's animation in sync with the Ability's state machine. Spawn an Ability with World.SpawnAsset() or add an Ability as a child of an Equipment/Weapon to have it be assigned to the Player automatically when that item is equipped.

Abilities can be activated by association with an Action Binding. Their internal state machine flows through the phases: Ready, Cast, Execute, Recovery and Cooldown. An Ability begins in the Ready state and transitions to Cast when its Binding (e.g. Left mouse click) is activated by the owning player. It then automatically flows from Cast to Execute, then Recovery and finally Cooldown. At each of these state transitions it fires a corresponding event.

Only one ability can be active at a time. By default, activating an ability will interrupt the currently active ability. The canBePrevented and preventsOtherAbilities properties can be used to customize interruption rules for competing abilities.

If an ability is interrupted during the Cast phase, it will immediately reset to the Ready state. If an ability is interrupted during the Execute or Recovery phase, the ability will immediately transition to the Cooldown phase.

Event Return Type Description Tags
readyEvent Event<Ability> Fired when the Ability becomes ready. In this phase it is possible to activate it again. None
castEvent Event<Ability> Fired when the Ability enters the Cast phase. None
executeEvent Event<Ability> Fired when the Ability enters Execute phase. None
recoveryEvent Event<Ability> Fired when the Ability enters Recovery. None
cooldownEvent Event<Ability> Fired when the Ability enters Cooldown. None
interruptedEvent Event<Ability> Fired when the Ability is interrupted. None
tickEvent Event<Ability, Number deltaTime> Fired every tick while the Ability is active (isEnabled = true and phase is not ready). None
Function Return Type Description Tags
Activate() None Activates an Ability as if the button had been pressed. Client-Only
Interrupt() None Changes an Ability from Cast phase to Ready phase. If the Ability is in either Execute or Recovery phases it instead goes to Cooldown phase. None
GetCurrentPhase() AbilityPhase The current AbilityPhase for this Ability. These are returned as one of: AbilityPhase.READY, AbilityPhase.CAST, AbilityPhase.EXECUTE, AbilityPhase.RECOVERY and AbilityPhase.COOLDOWN. None
GetPhaseTimeRemaining() Number Seconds left in the current phase. None
GetTargetData() AbilityTarget Returns information about what the Player has targeted this phase. None
SetTargetData(AbilityTarget) None Updates information about what the Player has targeted this phase. This can affect the execution of the Ability. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
isEnabled bool Turns an Ability on/off. It stays on the Player but is interrupted if isEnabled is set to false during an active Ability. True by default. Read-Write
canActivateWhileDead bool Indicates if the Ability can be used while the owning Player is dead. False by default. Read-Only
name string The name of the Ability. Read-Only
actionBinding string Which action binding will cause the Ability to activate. Possible values of the bindings are listed on the Ability binding page. Read-Only
owner Player Assigning an owner applies the Ability to that Player. Read-Write
castPhaseSettings AbilityPhaseSettings Config data for the Cast phase (see below). Read-Only
executePhaseSettings AbilityPhaseSettings Config data for the Execute phase. Read-Only
recoveryPhaseSettings AbilityPhaseSettings Config data for the Recovery phase. Read-Only
cooldownPhaseSettings AbilityPhaseSettings Config data for the Cooldown phase. Read-Only
animation string Name of the animation the Player will play when the Ability is activated. Possible values: See Ability Animation for strings and other info. Read-Only
canBePrevented bool Used in conjunction with the phase property preventsOtherAbilities so multiple abilities on the same Player can block each other during specific phases. True by default. Read-Only


Each phase of an Ability can be configured differently, allowing complex and different Abilities. AbilityPhaseSettings is an Object.

Property Return Type Description Tags
duration Number Length in seconds of the phase. After this time the Ability moves to the next phase. Can be zero. Default values per phase: 0.15, 0, 0.5 and 3. Read-Only
canMove bool Is the Player allowed to move during this phase. True by default. Read-Only
canJump bool Is the Player allowed to jump during this phase. False by default in Cast & Execute, default True in Recovery & Cooldown. Read-Only
canRotate bool Is the Player allowed to rotate during this phase. True by default. Read-Only
preventsOtherAbilities bool When true this phase prevents the Player from casting another Ability, unless that other Ability has canBePrevented set to False. True by default in Cast & Execute, false in Recovery & Cooldown. Read-Only
isTargetDataUpdated bool If true, there will be updated target information at the start of the phase. Otherwise, target information may be out of date. Read-Only
facingMode AbilityFacingMode How and if this Ability rotates the Player during execution. Cast and Execute default to "Aim", other phases default to "None". Options are: AbilityFacingMode.NONE, AbilityFacingMode.MOVEMENT, AbilityFacingMode.AIM Read-Only


A data type containing information about what the Player has targeted during a phase of an Ability.

Constructor Return Type Description Tags
AbilityTarget.New() AbilityTarget Constructs a new Ability Target data object. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetOwnerMovementRotation() Rotation Gets the direction the Player is moving. None
SetOwnerMovementRotation(Rotation) None Sets the direction the Player faces, if Ability.facingMode is set to AbilityFacingMode.MOVEMENT. None
GetAimPosition() Vector3 Returns the world space position of the camera. None
SetAimPosition(Vector3) None The world space location of the camera. Setting this currently has no effect on the Player's camera. None
GetAimDirection() Vector3 Returns the direction the camera is facing. None
SetAimDirection(Vector3) None Sets the direction the camera is facing. None
GetHitPosition() Vector3 Returns the world space position of the object under the Player's reticle. If there is no object, a position under the reticle in the distance. If the Player doesn't have a reticle displayed, uses the center of the screen as if there was a reticle there. None
SetHitPosition(Vector3) None Sets the hit position property. This may affect weapon behavior. None
GetHitResult() HitResult Returns physics information about the point being targeted None
SetHitResult(HitResult) None Sets the hit result property. Setting this value has no affect on the Ability. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
hitObject Object Object under the reticle, or center of the screen if no reticle is displayed. Can be a Player, StaticMesh, etc. Read-Write
hitPlayer Player Convenience property that is the same as hitObject, but only if hitObject is a Player. Read-Write
spreadHalfAngle Number Half-angle of cone of possible target space, in degrees. Read-Write
spreadRandomSeed Integer Seed that can be used with RandomStream for deterministic RNG. Read-Write


AreaLight is a Light that emits light from a rectangular plane. It also has properties for configuring a set of "doors" attached to the plane which affect the lit area in front of the plane.

Property Return Type Description Tags
sourceWidth Number The width of the plane from which light is emitted. Must be greater than 0. Read-Write, Dynamic
sourceHeight Number The height of the plane from which light is emitted. Must be greater than 0. Read-Write, Dynamic
barnDoorAngle Number The angle of the barn doors, in degrees. Valid values are in the range from 0 to 90. Has no effect if barnDoorLength is 0. Read-Write, Dynamic
barnDoorLength Number The length of the barn doors. Must be non-negative. Read-Write, Dynamic


Audio is a CoreObject that wrap sound files. Most properties are exposed in the UI and can be set when placed in the editor, but some functionality (such as playback with fade in/out) requires Lua scripting.

Function Return Type Description Tags
Play() None Begins sound playback. Dynamic
Stop() None Stops sound playback. Dynamic
FadeIn(Number time) None Starts playing and fades in the sound over the given time. Dynamic
FadeOut(Number time) None Fades the sound out and stops over time seconds. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
isPlaying bool Returns if the sound is currently playing. Read-Only
length Number Returns the length (in seconds) of the Sound. Read-Only
currentPlaybackTime Number Returns the playback position (in seconds) of the sound. Read-Only
isSpatializationEnabled bool Default true. Set to false to play sound without 3D positioning. Read-Write, Dynamic
isAttenuationEnabled bool Default true, meaning sounds will fade with distance. Read-Write, Dynamic
isOcclusionEnabled bool Default true. Changes attenuation if there is geometry between the player and the audio source. Read-Write, Dynamic
isAutoPlayEnabled bool Default false. If set to true when placed in the editor (or included in a template), the sound will be automatically played when loaded. Read-Only
isTransient bool Default false. If set to true, the sound will automatically destroy itself after it finishes playing. Read-Write, Dynamic
isAutoRepeatEnabled bool Loops when playback has finished. Some sounds are designed to automatically loop, this flag will force others that don't. Useful for looping music. Read-Write, Dynamic
pitch Number Default 1. Multiplies the playback pitch of a sound. Note that some sounds have clamped pitch ranges (0.2 to 1). Read-Write, Dynamic
volume Number Default 1. Multiplies the playback volume of a sound. Note that values above 1 can distort sound, so if you're trying to balance sounds, experiment to see if scaling down works better than scaling up. Read-Write, Dynamic
radius Number Default 0. If non-zero, will override default 3D spatial parameters of the sound. Radius is the distance away from the sound position that will be played at 100% volume. Read-Write, Dynamic
falloff Number Default 0. If non-zero, will override default 3D spatial parameters of the sound. Falloff is the distance outside the radius over which the sound volume will gradually fall to zero. Read-Write, Dynamic
fadeInTime Number Sets the fade in time for the audio. When the audio is played, it will start at zero volume, and fade in over this many seconds. Read-Write, Dynamic
fadeOutTime Number Sets the fadeout time of the audio. When the audio is stopped, it will keep playing for this many seconds, as it fades out. Read-Write, Dynamic
startTime Number The start time of the audio track. Default is 0. Setting this to anything else means that the audio will skip ahead that many seconds when played. Read-Write, Dynamic


Camera is a CoreObject which is used both to configure Player Camera settings as well as to represent the position and rotation of the Camera in the world. Cameras can be configured in various ways, usually following a specific Player's view, but can also have a fixed orientation and/or position.

Each Player (on their client) can have a default Camera and an override Camera. If they have neither, camera behavior falls back to a basic third-person behavior. Default Cameras should be used for main gameplay while override Cameras are generally employed as a temporary view, such as a when the Player is sitting in a mounted turret.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetPositionOffset() Vector3 An offset added to the camera or follow target's eye position to the Player's view. None
SetPositionOffset(Vector3) None An offset added to the camera or follow target's eye position to the Player's view. Dynamic
GetRotationOffset() Rotation A rotation added to the camera or follow target's eye position. None
SetRotationOffset(Rotation) None A rotation added to the camera or follow target's eye position. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
followPlayer Player Which Player's view the camera should follow. Set to the local Player for a first or third person camera. Set to nil to detach. Read-Write, Dynamic
isOrthographic bool Whether the camera uses an isometric (orthographic) view or perspective. Read-Write, Dynamic
fieldOfView Number The field of view when using perspective view. Clamped between 1.0 and 170.0. Read-Write, Dynamic
viewWidth Number The width of the view with an isometric view. Has a minimum value of 1.0. Read-Write, Dynamic
useCameraSocket bool If you have a followPlayer, then use their camera socket. This is often preferable for first-person cameras, and gives a bit of view bob. Read-Write, Dynamic
currentDistance Number The distance controlled by the Player with scroll wheel (by default). Client-Only, Read-Write, Dynamic
isDistanceAdjustable bool Whether the Player can control their camera distance (with the mouse wheel by default). Creators can still access distance through currentDistance below, even if this value is false. Read-Write, Dynamic
minDistance Number The minimum distance the Player can zoom in to. Read-Write, Dynamic
maxDistance Number The maximum distance the Player can zoom out to. Read-Write, Dynamic
rotationMode enum Which base rotation to use. Values: RotationMode.CAMERA, RotationMode.NONE, RotationMode.LOOK_ANGLE. Read-Write, Dynamic
hasFreeControl bool Whether the Player can freely control their rotation (with mouse or thumbstick). This has no effect if the camera is following a player. Read-Write, Dynamic
currentPitch Number The current pitch of the Player's free control. Client-Only, Read-Write, Dynamic
minPitch Number The minimum pitch for free control. Read-Write, Dynamic
maxPitch Number The maximum pitch for free control. Read-Write, Dynamic
isYawLimited bool Whether the Player's yaw has limits. If so, maxYaw must be at least minYaw, (and should be outside the range [0, 360] if needed). Read-Write, Dynamic
currentYaw Number The current yaw of the Player's free control. Client-Only, Read-Write, Dynamic
minYaw Number The minimum yaw for free control. Read-Write, Dynamic
maxYaw Number The maximum yaw for free control. Read-Write, Dynamic


An RGBA representation of a color. Color components have an effective range of [0.0, 1.0], but values greater than 1 may be used.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Color.Lerp(Color from, Color to, Number progress) Color Linearly interpolates between two colors in HSV space by the specified progress amount and returns the resultant Color. None
Color.Random() Color Returns a new color with random RGB values and Alpha of 1.0. None
Constructor Return Type Description Tags
Color.New(Number r, Number g, Number b, [Number a]) Color Constructs a Color with the given values, alpha defaults to 1.0. None
Color.New(Vector3 v) Color Constructs a Color using the vector's XYZ components as the color's RGB components, alpha defaults to 1.0. None
Color.New(Vector4 v) Color Constructs a Color using the vector's XYZW components as the color's RGBA components. None
Color.New(Color c) Color Makes a copy of the given color. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetDesaturated(Number desaturation) Color Returns the desaturated version of the Color. 0 represents no desaturation and 1 represents full desaturation. None
Operator Return Type Description Tags
Color + Color Color Component-wise addition. None
Color - Color Color Component-wise subtraction None
Color * Color Color Component-wise multiplication. None
Color * Number Color Multiplies each component of the Color by the right-side Number. None
Color / Color Color Component-wise division. None
Color / Number Color Divides each component of the Color by the right-side Number. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
r Number The Red component of the Color. Read-Write
g Number The Green component of the Color. Read-Write
b Number The Blue component of the Color. Read-Write
a Number The Alpha (transparency) component of the Color. Read-Write

Predefined Colors

HEX Value Enum Name HEX Value Enum Name
#ffffffff Color.WHITE #cc4c00ff Color.ORANGE
#7f7f7fff Color.GRAY #4c0099ff Color.PURPLE
#000000ff Color.BLACK #721400ff Color.BROWN
#ffffff00 Color.TRANSPARENT #ff6666ff Color.PINK
#ff0000ff Color.RED #e5bf4cff Color.TAN
#00ff00ff Color.GREEN #660101ff Color.RUBY
#0000ffff Color.BLUE #0c660cff Color.EMERALD
#00ffffff Color.CYAN #02024cff Color.SAPPHIRE
#ff00ffff Color.MAGENTA #b2b2b2ff Color.SILVER
#ffff00ff Color.YELLOW #191919ff Color.SMOKE


CoreObject is an Object placed in the scene hierarchy during edit mode or is part of a template. Usually they'll be a more specific type of CoreObject, but all CoreObjects have these properties and functions:

Event Return Type Description Tags
childAddedEvent Event<CoreObject parent, CoreObject newChild> Fired when a child is added to this object. None
childRemovedEvent Event<CoreObject parent, CoreObject removedChild> Fired when a child is removed from this object. None
descendantAddedEvent Event<CoreObject ancestor, CoreObject newChild> Fired when a child is added to this object or any of its descendants. None
descendantRemovedEvent Event<CoreObject ancestor, CoreObject removedChild> Fired when a child is removed from this object or any of its descendants. None
destroyEvent Event<CoreObject> Fired when this object is about to be destroyed. None
networkedPropertyChangedEvent Event<CoreObject owner, string propertyName> Fired whenever any of the networked custom properties on this object receive an update. The event is fired on the server and the client. Event payload is the owning object and the name of the property that just changed. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetTransform() Transform The Transform relative to this object's parent. None
SetTransform(Transform) None The Transform relative to this object's parent. Dynamic
GetPosition() Vector3 The position of this object relative to its parent. None
SetPosition(Vector3) None The position of this object relative to its parent. Dynamic
GetRotation() Rotation The rotation relative to its parent. None
SetRotation(Rotation) None The rotation relative to its parent. Dynamic
GetScale() Vector3 The scale relative to its parent. None
SetScale(Vector3) None The scale relative to its parent. Dynamic
GetWorldTransform() Transform The absolute Transform of this object. None
SetWorldTransform(Transform) None The absolute Transform of this object. Dynamic
GetWorldPosition() Vector3 The absolute position. None
SetWorldPosition(Vector3) None The absolute position. Dynamic
GetWorldRotation() Rotation The absolute rotation. None
SetWorldRotation(Rotation) None The absolute rotation. Dynamic
GetWorldScale() Vector3 The absolute scale. None
SetWorldScale(Vector3) None The absolute scale. Dynamic
GetVelocity() Vector3 The object's velocity in world space. None
SetVelocity(Vector3) None Set the object's velocity in world space. Only works for physics objects. Dynamic
GetAngularVelocity() Vector3 The object's angular velocity in degrees per second. None
SetAngularVelocity(Vector3) None Set the object's angular velocity in degrees per second in world space. Only works for physics objects. Dynamic
SetLocalAngularVelocity(Vector3) None Set the object's angular velocity in degrees per second in local space. Only works for physics objects. Dynamic
GetReference() CoreObjectReference Returns a CoreObjectReference pointing at this object. None
GetChildren() Array<CoreObject> Returns a table containing the object's children, may be empty. None
IsVisibleInHierarchy() bool Returns true if this object and all of its ancestors are visible. None
IsCollidableInHierarchy() bool Returns true if this object and all of its ancestors are collidable. None
IsEnabledInHierarchy() bool Returns true if this object and all of its ancestors are enabled. None
FindAncestorByName(string name) CoreObject Returns the first parent or ancestor whose name matches the provided name. If none match, returns nil. None
FindChildByName(string name) CoreObject Returns the first immediate child whose name matches the provided name. If none match, returns nil. None
FindDescendantByName(string name) CoreObject Returns the first child or descendant whose name matches the provided name. If none match, returns nil. None
FindDescendantsByName(string name) Array<CoreObject> Returns the descendants whose name matches the provided name. If none match, returns an empty table. None
FindAncestorByType(string typeName) CoreObject Returns the first parent or ancestor whose type is or extends the specified type. For example, calling FindAncestorByType('CoreObject') will return the first ancestor that is any type of CoreObject, while FindAncestorByType('StaticMesh') will only return the first mesh. If no ancestors match, returns nil. None
FindChildByType(string typeName) CoreObject Returns the first immediate child whose type is or extends the specified type. If none match, returns nil. None
FindDescendantByType(string typeName) CoreObject Returns the first child or descendant whose type is or extends the specified type. If none match, returns nil. None
FindDescendantsByType(string typeName) Array<CoreObject> Returns the descendants whose type is or extends the specified type. If none match, returns an empty table. None
FindTemplateRoot() CoreObject If the object is part of a template, returns the root object of the template (which may be itself). If not part of a template, returns nil. None
IsAncestorOf(CoreObject) bool Returns true if this CoreObject is a parent somewhere in the hierarchy above the given parameter object. False otherwise. None
GetCustomProperties() table Returns a table containing the names and values of all custom properties on a CoreObject. None
GetCustomProperty(string propertyName) value, bool Gets data which has been added to an object using the custom property system. Returns the value, which can be an Integer, Number, bool, string, Vector3, Rotator, Color, a MUID string, or nil if not found. Second return value is a bool, true if found and false if not. None
SetNetworkedCustomProperty(string propertyName, value) bool Sets the named custom property if it is marked as replicated and the object it belongs to is server-side networked or in a client/server context. Server-Only
AttachToPlayer(Player, string socketName) None Attaches a CoreObject to a Player at a specified socket. The CoreObject will be un-parented from its current hierarchy and its parent property will be nil. See Socket Names for the list of possible values. Dynamic
AttachToLocalView() None Attaches a CoreObject to the local player's camera. Reminder to turn off the object's collision otherwise it will cause camera to jitter. Client-Only, Dynamic
Detach() None Detaches a CoreObject from any player it has been attached to, or from its parent object. Dynamic
GetAttachedToSocketName() string Returns the name of the socket this object is attached to. None
MoveTo(Vector3, Number, [bool]) None Smoothly moves the object to the target location over a given amount of time (seconds). Third parameter specifies if the given destination is in local space (true) or world space (false). Dynamic
RotateTo(Rotation/Quaternion, Number, [bool]) None Smoothly rotates the object to the target orientation over a given amount of time. Third parameter specifies if given rotation is in local space (true) or world space (false). Dynamic
ScaleTo(Vector3, Number, [bool]) None Smoothly scales the object to the target scale over a given amount of time. Third parameter specifies if the given scale is in local space (true) or world space (false). Dynamic
MoveContinuous(Vector3, [bool]) None Smoothly moves the object over time by the given velocity vector. Second parameter specifies if the given velocity is in local space (true) or world space (false). Dynamic
RotateContinuous(Rotation/Quaternion/Vector3, [Number, [bool]]) None Smoothly rotates the object over time by the given angular velocity. The second parameter is an optional multiplier, for very fast rotations. Third parameter specifies if the given rotation or quaternion is in local space (true) or world space (false (default)). Dynamic
ScaleContinuous(Vector3, [bool]) None Smoothly scales the object over time by the given scale vector per second. Second parameter specifies if the given scale rate is in local space (true) or world space (false). Dynamic
StopMove() None Interrupts further movement from MoveTo(), MoveContinuous(), or Follow(). Dynamic
StopRotate() None Interrupts further rotation from RotateTo(), RotateContinuous(), LookAtContinuous(), or LookAtLocalView(). Dynamic
StopScale() None Interrupts further movement from ScaleTo() or ScaleContinuous(). Dynamic
Follow(Object, [Number, [Number]]) None Follows a CoreObject or Player at a certain speed. If the speed is not supplied it will follow as fast as possible. The third parameter specifies a distance to keep away from the target. Dynamic
LookAt(Vector3 position) None Instantly rotates the object to look at the given position. Dynamic
LookAtContinuous(Object, [bool], [Number]) None Smoothly rotates a CoreObject to look at another given CoreObject or Player. Second parameter is optional and locks the pitch, default is unlocked. Third parameter is optional and sets how fast it tracks the target. If speed is not supplied it tracks as fast as possible. Dynamic
LookAtLocalView([bool]) None Continuously looks at the local camera. The bool parameter is optional and locks the pitch. (Client-only) Client-Only, Dynamic
Destroy() None Destroys the object and all descendants. You can check whether an object has been destroyed by calling Object.IsValid(object), which will return true if object is still a valid object, or false if it has been destroyed. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
name string The object's name as seen in the Hierarchy. Read-Write, Dynamic
id string The object's MUID. Read-Only
parent CoreObject The object's parent object, may be nil. Read-Write, Dynamic
visibility enum Turn on/off the rendering of an object and its children. Values: Visibility.FORCE_ON, Visibility.FORCE_OFF, Visibility.INHERIT. Read-Write, Dynamic
collision enum Turn on/off the collision of an object and its children. Values: Collision.FORCE_ON, Collision.FORCE_OFF, Collision.INHERIT. Read-Write, Dynamic
isEnabled bool Turn on/off an object and its children completely. Read-Write, Dynamic
isStatic bool If true, dynamic properties may not be written to, and dynamic functions may not be called. Read-Only, Dynamic
isClientOnly bool If true, this object was spawned on the client and is not replicated from the server. Read-Only
isServerOnly bool If true, this object was spawned on the server and is not replicated to clients. Read-Only
isNetworked bool If true, this object replicates from the server to clients. Read-Only
lifeSpan Number Duration after which the object is destroyed. Read-Write, Dynamic
sourceTemplateId string The ID of the Template from which this CoreObject was instantiated. nil if the object did not come from a Template. Read-Only


A reference to a CoreObject which may or may not exist. This type is returned by CoreObject:GetCustomProperty() for CoreObject Reference properties, and may be used to find the actual object if it exists.

In the case of networked objects it's possible to get a CoreObjectReference pointing to a CoreObject that hasn't been received on the client yet.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetObject() CoreObject Returns the CoreObject with a matching ID, if it exists. Will otherwise return nil. None
WaitForObject([Number]) CoreObject Returns the CoreObject with a matching ID, if it exists. If it does not, yields the current task until the object is spawned. Optional timeout parameter will cause the task to resume with a return value of false and an error message if the object has not been spawned within that many seconds. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
id string The MUID of the referred object. Read-Only
isAssigned bool Returns true if this reference has been assigned a valid ID. This does not necessarily mean the object currently exists. Read-Only


To damage a Player, you can simply write e.g.: whichPlayer:ApplyDamage(Damage.New(10)). Alternatively, create a Damage object and populate it with all the following properties to get full use out of the system:

Constructor Return Type Description Tags
Damage.New([Number amount]) Damage Constructs a damage object with the given number, defaults to 0. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetHitResult() HitResult Get the HitResult information if this damage was caused by a Projectile impact. None
SetHitResult(HitResult) None Forward the HitResult information if this damage was caused by a Projectile impact. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
amount Number The numeric amount of damage to inflict. Read-Write
reason DamageReason What is the context for this Damage? DamageReason.UNKNOWN (default value), DamageReason.COMBAT, DamageReason.FRIENDLY_FIRE, DamageReason.MAP, DamageReason.NPC. Read-Write
sourceAbility Ability Reference to the Ability which caused the Damage. Setting this allows other systems to react to the damage event, e.g. a kill feed can show what killed a Player. Read-Write
sourcePlayer Player Reference to the Player who caused the Damage. Setting this allows other systems to react to the damage event, e.g. a kill feed can show who killed a Player. Read-Write


Equipment is a CoreObject representing an equippable item for players. They generally have a visual component that attaches to the Player, but a visual component is not a requirement. Any Ability objects added as children of the Equipment are added/removed from the Player automatically as it becomes equipped/unequipped.

Event Return Type Description Tags
equippedEvent Event<Equipment, Player> Fired when this equipment is equipped onto a player. None
unequippedEvent Event<Equipment, Player> Fired when this object is unequipped from a player. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
Equip(Player) None Attaches the Equipment to a Player. They gain any abilities assigned to the Equipment. If the Equipment is already attached to another Player it will first unequip from that other Player before equipping unto the new one. None
Unequip() None Detaches the Equipment from any Player it may currently be attached to. The Player loses any abilities granted by the Equipment. None
AddAbility(Ability) None Adds an Ability to the list of abilities on this Equipment. None
GetAbilities() Array<Ability> A table of Abilities that are assigned to this Equipment. Players who equip it will get these Abilities. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
socket string Determines which point on the avatar's body this equipment will be attached. See Socket Names for the list of possible values. Read-Write, Dynamic
owner Player Which Player the Equipment is attached to. Read-Only, Dynamic


Events appear as properties on several objects. The goal is to register a function that will be fired whenever that event happens. E.g. playerA.damagedEvent:Connect(OnPlayerDamaged) chooses the function OnPlayerDamaged to be fired whenever playerA takes damage.

Function Return Type Description Tags
Connect(function eventListener, [...]) EventListener Registers the given function which will be called every time the event is fired. Returns an EventListener which can be used to disconnect from the event or check if the event is still connected. Accepts any number of additional arguments after the listener function, those arguments will be provided after the event's own parameters. None


EventListeners are returned by Events when you connect a listener function to them.

Function Return Type Description Tags
Disconnect() None Disconnects this listener from its event, so it will no longer be called when the event is fired. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
isConnected bool Returns true if this listener is still connected to its event. false if the event owner was destroyed or if Disconnect was called. Read-Only


Folder is a CoreObject representing a folder containing other objects.

They have no properties or functions of their own, but inherit everything from CoreObject.


Contains data pertaining to an impact or raycast.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetImpactPosition() Vector3 The world position where the impact occurred. None
GetImpactNormal() Vector3 Normal direction of the surface which was impacted. None
GetTransform() Transform Returns a Transform composed of the position of the impact in world space, the rotation of the normal, and a uniform scale of 1. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
other CoreObject or Player Reference to a CoreObject or Player impacted. Read-Only
socketName string If the hit was on a Player, socketName tells you which spot on the body was hit. Read-Only


A data structure containing all information about a specific Weapon interaction, such as collision with a character.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetHitResult() HitResult Physics information about the impact between the Weapon and the other object. None
GetHitResults() Array<HitResult> Table with multiple HitResults that hit the same object, in the case of Weapons with multi-shot (e.g. Shotguns). If a single attack hits multiple targets you receive a separate interaction event for each object hit. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
targetObject Object Reference to the CoreObject/Player hit by the Weapon. Read-Only
projectile Projectile Reference to a Projectile, if one was produced as part of this interaction. Read-Only
sourceAbility Ability Reference to the Ability which initiated the interaction. Read-Only
weapon Weapon Reference to the Weapon that is interacting. Read-Only
weaponOwner Player Reference to the Player who had the Weapon equipped at the time it was activated, ultimately leading to this interaction. Read-Only
travelDistance Number The distance in cm between where the Weapon attack started until it impacted something. Read-Only
isHeadshot bool True if the Weapon hit another player in the head. Read-Only


Light is a light source that is a CoreObject. Generally a Light will be an instance of some subtype, such as PointLight or SpotLight.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetColor() Color The color of the light. None
SetColor(Color) None The color of the light. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
intensity Number The intensity of the light. For PointLights and SpotLights, this has two interpretations, depending on the value of the hasNaturalFallOff property. If true, the light's Intensity is in units of lumens, where 1700 lumens is a 100W lightbulb. If false, the light's Intensity is a brightness scale. Read-Write, Dynamic
attenuationRadius Number Bounds the light's visible influence. This clamping of the light's influence is not physically correct but very important for performance, larger lights cost more. Read-Write, Dynamic
isShadowCaster bool Does this light cast shadows? Read-Write, Dynamic
hasTemperature bool true: use temperature value as illuminant. false: use white (D65) as illuminant. Read-Write, Dynamic
temperature Number Color temperature in Kelvin of the blackbody illuminant. White (D65) is 6500K. Read-Write, Dynamic
team Integer Assigns the light to a team. Value range from 0 to 4. 0 is a neutral team. Read-Write, Dynamic
isTeamColorUsed bool If true, and the light has been assigned to a valid team, players on that team will see a blue light, while other players will see red. Read-Write, Dynamic


NetworkContext is a CoreObject representing a special folder containing client-only, server-only, or static objects.

They have no properties or functions of their own, but inherit everything from CoreObject.


At a high level, Core Lua types can be divided into two groups: data structures and Objects. Data structures are owned by Lua, while Objects are owned by the engine and could be destroyed while still referenced by Lua. Any such object will inherit from this type. These include CoreObject, Player and Projectile.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Object.IsValid(Object object) bool Returns true if object is still a valid Object, or false if it has been destroyed. Also returns false if passed a nil value or something that's not an Object, such as a Vector3 or a string. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
serverUserData table Table in which users can store any data they want on the server. Server-Only, Read-Write
clientUserData table Table in which users can store any data they want on the client. Client-Only, Read-Write


Player is an Object representation of the state of a Player connected to the game, as well as their avatar in the world.

Event Return Type Description Tags
damagedEvent Event<Player, Damage> Fired when the Player takes damage. Server-Only
diedEvent Event<Player, Damage> Fired when the Player dies. Server-Only
respawnedEvent Event<Player> Fired when the Player respawns. None
bindingPressedEvent Event<Player, string> Fired when an action binding is pressed. Second parameter tells you which binding. Possible values of the bindings are listed on the Ability binding page. None
bindingReleasedEvent Event<Player, string> Fired when an action binding is released. Second parameter tells you which binding. None
resourceChangedEvent Event<Player, string, Integer> Fired when a resource changed, indicating the type of the resource and its new amount. None
movementModeChangedEvent Event<Player, MovementMode, MovementMode> Fired when a Player's movement mode changes. The first parameter is the Player being changed. The second parameter is the "new" movement mode. The third parameter is the "previous" movement mode. Possible values for MovementMode are: MovementMode.NONE, MovementMode.WALKING, MovementMode.FALLING, MovementMode.SWIMMING, MovementMode.FLYING and MovementMode.SLIDING. None
animationEvent Event<Player, string eventName> Fired during certain animations played on a player. Client-Only
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetWorldTransform() Transform The absolute Transform of this player. None
SetWorldTransform(Transform) None The absolute Transform of this player. Server-Only
GetWorldPosition() Vector3 The absolute position of this player. None
SetWorldPosition(Vector3) None The absolute position of this player. Server-Only
GetWorldRotation() Rotation The absolute rotation of this player. None
SetWorldRotation(Rotation) None The absolute rotation of this player. Server-Only
GetWorldScale() Vector3 The absolute scale of this player. None
SetWorldScale(Vector3) None The absolute scale of this player (must be uniform). Server-Only
AddImpulse(Vector3) None Adds an impulse force to the Player. Server-Only
GetVelocity() Vector3 Gets the current velocity of the Player. None
SetVelocity(Vector3) None Sets the Player's velocity to the given amount. Server-Only
ResetVelocity() None Resets the Player's velocity to zero. Server-Only
GetAbilities() Array<Ability> Array of all Abilities assigned to this Player. None
GetEquipment() Array<Equipment> Array of all Equipment assigned to this Player. None
ApplyDamage(Damage) None Damages a Player. If their hit points go below 0 they die. Server-Only
Die([Damage]) None Kills the Player. They will ragdoll and ignore further Damage. The optional Damage parameter is a way to communicate cause of death. Server-Only
DisableRagdoll() None Disables all ragdolls that have been set on the Player. Server-Only
SetVisibility(bool, [bool]) None Shows or hides the Player. The second parameter is optional, defaults to true, and determines if attachments to the Player are hidden as well as the Player. Server-Only
GetVisibility() bool Returns whether or not the Player is hidden. None
EnableRagdoll([string socketName, Number weight]) None Enables ragdoll for the Player, starting on socketName weighted by weight (between 0.0 and 1.0). This can cause the Player capsule to detach from the mesh. All parameters are optional; socketName defaults to the root and weight defaults to 1.0. Multiple bones can have ragdoll enabled simultaneously. See Socket Names for the list of possible values. Server-Only
Respawn([Vector, Rotation]) None Resurrects a dead Player based on respawn settings in the game (default in-place). Optional position and rotation parameters can be used to specify a location. Server-Only
GetViewWorldPosition() Vector3 Get position of the Player's camera view. Client-Only
GetViewWorldRotation() Rotation Get rotation of the Player's camera view. Client-Only
GetLookWorldRotation() Rotation Get the rotation for the direction the Player is facing. None
SetLookWorldRotation(Rotation) None Set the rotation for the direction the Player is facing. Client-Only
ClearResources() None Removes all resources from a player. Server-Only
GetResources() Table<string, Integer> Returns a table containing the names and amounts of the player's resources. None
GetResource(string name) Integer Returns the amount of a resource owned by a player. Returns 0 by default. None
SetResource(string name, Integer amount) None Sets a specific amount of a resource on a player. Server-Only
AddResource(string name, Integer amount) None Adds an amount of a resource to a player. Server-Only
RemoveResource(string name, Integer amount) None Subtracts an amount of a resource from a player. Does not go below 0. Server-Only
TransferToGame(string) None Does not work in preview mode or in games played locally. Transfers player to the game specified by the passed-in game ID. Example: The game ID for the URL is 577d80/core-royale. Server-Only
GetAttachedObjects() Array<CoreObject> Returns a table containing CoreObjects attached to this player. None
SetMounted(bool) None Forces a player in or out of mounted state. Server-Only
GetActiveCamera() Camera Returns whichever camera is currently active for the Player. Client-Only
GetDefaultCamera() Camera Returns the default Camera object the Player is currently using. Client-Only
SetDefaultCamera(Camera, [Number lerpTime = 0.0]) None Sets the default Camera object for the Player. Client-Only
GetOverrideCamera() Camera Returns the override Camera object the Player is currently using. Client-Only
SetOverrideCamera(Camera, [Number lerpTime = 0.0]) None Sets the override Camera object for the Player. Client-Only
ClearOverrideCamera([Number lerpTime = 0.0]) None Clears the override Camera object for the Player (to revert back to the default camera). Client-Only
ActivateFlying() None Activates the Player flying mode. Server-Only
ActivateWalking() None Activate the Player walking mode. Server-Only
Property Return Type Description Tags
name string The Player's name. Read-Write
id string The unique id of the Player. Consistent across sessions. Read-Only
team Integer The number of the team to which the Player is assigned. By default, this value is 255 in FFA mode. Read-Write
animationStance string Which set of animations to use for this Player. See Animation Stance Strings for possible values. Read-Write
currentFacingMode FacingMode Current mode applied to player, including possible overrides. Possible values are FacingMode.FACE_AIM_WHEN_ACTIVE, FacingMode.FACE_AIM_ALWAYS, and FacingMode.FACE_MOVEMENT. See desiredFacingMode for details. Read-Only
desiredFacingMode FacingMode Which controls mode to use for this Player. May be overridden by certain movement modes like MovementMode.SWIMMING or when mounted. Possible values are FacingMode.FACE_AIM_WHEN_ACTIVE, FacingMode.FACE_AIM_ALWAYS, and FacingMode.FACE_MOVEMENT. Server-Only, Read-Write
defaultRotationRate Rotation Determines how quickly the Player turns to match the camera's look. Set to -1 for immediate rotation. Currently only supports rotation around the Z-axis. Server-Only, Read-Write
currentRotationRate Rotation Reports the real rotation rate that results from any active mechanics/movement overrides. Read-Only
hitPoints Number Current amount of hitpoints. Read-Write
maxHitPoints Number Maximum amount of hitpoints. Read-Write
kills Integer The number of times the player has killed another player. Read-Write
deaths Integer The number of times the player has died. Read-Write
stepHeight Number Maximum height in centimeters the Player can step up. Range is 0-100. Default = 45. Read-Write
maxWalkSpeed Number Maximum speed while the player is on the ground. Default = 640. Read-Write
maxAcceleration Number Max Acceleration (rate of change of velocity). Default = 1200. Read-Write
brakingDecelerationFalling Number Deceleration when falling and not applying acceleration. Default = 0. Read-Write
brakingDecelerationWalking Number Deceleration when walking and movement input has stopped. Default = 512.0. Read-Write
groundFriction Number Friction when walking on ground. Default = 8.0 Read-Write
brakingFrictionFactor Number Multiplier for friction when braking. Default = 0.6. Read-Write
walkableFloorAngle Number Max walkable floor angle, in degrees. Default = 44.765. Read-Write
maxJumpCount Integer Max number of jumps, to enable multiple jumps. Set to 0 to disable jumping. Read-Write
jumpVelocity Number Vertical speed applied to Player when they jump. Read-Write
gravityScale Number Multiplier on gravity applied. Default = 1.9. Read-Write
maxSwimSpeed Number Maximum speed while the player is swimming. Default = 420. Read-Write
touchForceFactor Number Force applied to physics objects when contacted with a Player. Default = 1. Read-Write
isCrouchEnabled bool Turns crouching on/off for a Player. Read-Write
mass Number Gets the mass of the Player. Read-Only
isAccelerating bool True if the Player is accelerating, such as from input to move. Read-Only
isCrouching bool True if the Player is crouching. Read-Only
isFlying bool True if the Player is flying. Read-Only
isGrounded bool True if the Player is on the ground with no upward velocity, otherwise false. Read-Only
isJumping bool True if the Player is jumping. Read-Only
isMounted bool True if the Player is mounted on another object. Read-Only
isSwimming bool True if the Player is swimming in water. Read-Only
isWalking bool True if the Player is in walking mode. Read-Only
isDead bool True if the Player is dead, otherwise false. Read-Only
isSliding bool True if the Player is currently in sliding mode. Read-Only
movementControlMode MovementControlMode Specify how players control their movement. Default: MovementControlMode.LOOK_RELATIVE. MovementControlMode.NONE: Movement input is ignored. MovementControlMode.LOOK_RELATIVE: Forward movement follows the current player's look direction. MovementControlMode.VIEW_RELATIVE: Forward movement follows the current view's look direction. MovementControlMode.FACING_RELATIVE: Forward movement follows the current player's facing direction. MovementControlMode.FIXED_AXES: Movement axis are fixed. Read-Write
lookControlMode LookControlMode Specify how players control their look direction. Default: LookControlMode.RELATIVE. LookControlMode.NONE: Look input is ignored. LookControlMode.RELATIVE: Look input controls the current look direction. LookControlMode.LOOK_AT_CURSOR: Look input is ignored. The player's look direction is determined by drawing a line from the player to the cursor on the Cursor Plane. Read-Write
lookSensitivity Number Multiplier on the Player look rotation speed relative to cursor movement. This is independent from user's preferences, both will be applied as multipliers together. Default = 1.0. Read-Write
spreadModifier Number Modifier added to the Player's targeting spread. Read-Write
currentSpread Number Gets the Player's current targeting spread. Client-Only, Read-Only
buoyancy Number In water, buoyancy 1.0 is neutral (won't sink or float naturally). Less than 1 to sink, greater than 1 to float. Read-Write
canMount bool Returns whether the Player can manually toggle on/off the mount. Server-Only, Read-Write
shouldDismountWhenDamaged bool If true, and the Player is mounted they will dismount if they take damage. Server-Only, Read-Write
isVisibleToSelf bool Set whether to hide the Player model on Player's own client, for sniper scope, etc. Client-Only, Read-Write


Settings that can be applied to a Player.

Function Return Type Description Tags
ApplyToPlayer(Player) None Apply settings from this settings object to Player. Server-Only


PlayerStart is a CoreObject representing a spawn point for players.

Property Return Type Description Tags
team string A tag controlling which players can spawn at this start point. Server-Only, Read-Write, Dynamic


PointLight is a placeable light source that is a CoreObject.

Property Return Type Description Tags
hasNaturalFalloff bool The attenuation method of the light. When enabled, attenuationRadius is used. When disabled, falloffExponent is used. Also changes the interpretation of the intensity property, see intensity for details. Read-Write, Dynamic
falloffExponent Number Controls the radial falloff of the light when hasNaturalFalloff is false. 2.0 is almost linear and very unrealistic and around 8.0 it looks reasonable. With large exponents, the light has contribution to only a small area of its influence radius but still costs the same as low exponents. Read-Write, Dynamic
sourceRadius Number Radius of light source shape. Read-Write, Dynamic
sourceLength Number Length of light source shape. Read-Write, Dynamic


Projectile is a specialized Object which moves through the air in a parabolic shape and impacts other objects. To spawn a Projectile, use Projectile.Spawn().

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Projectile.Spawn(string childTemplateId, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 direction) Projectile Spawns a Projectile with a child that is an instance of a template. None
Event Return Type Description Tags
impactEvent Event<Projectile, Object other, HitResult> Fired when the Projectile collides with something. Impacted object parameter will be either of type CoreObject or Player, but can also be nil. The HitResult describes the point of contact between the Projectile and the impacted object. None
lifeSpanEndedEvent Event<Projectile> Fired when the Projectile reaches the end of its lifespan. Fired before it is destroyed. None
homingFailedEvent Event<Projectile> Fired when the target is no longer valid, for example the Player disconnected from the game or the object was destroyed somehow. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
Destroy() Object Immediately destroys the object. None
GetWorldTransform() Transform Transform data for the Projectile in world space. None
GetWorldPosition() Vector3 Position of the Projectile in world space. None
SetWorldPosition(Vector3) None Position of the Projectile in world space. None
GetVelocity() Vector3 Current direction and speed vector of the Projectile. None
SetVelocity(Vector3) None Current direction and speed vector of the Projectile. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
owner Player The Player who fired this Projectile. Setting this property ensures the Projectile does not impact the owner or their allies. This will also change the color of the Projectile if teams are being used in the game. Read-Write
sourceAbility Ability Reference to the Ability from which the Projectile was created. Read-Write
speed Number Centimeters per second movement. Default 5000. Read-Write
maxSpeed Number Max cm/s. Default 0. Zero means no limit. Read-Write
gravityScale Number How much drop. Default 1. 1 means normal gravity. Zero can be used to make a Projectile go in a straight line. Read-Write
drag Number Deceleration. Important for homing Projectiles (try a value around 5). Negative drag will cause the Projectile to accelerate. Default 0. Read-Write
bouncesRemaining Integer Number of bounces remaining before it dies. Default 0. Read-Write
bounciness Number Velocity % maintained after a bounce. Default 0.6. Read-Write
lifeSpan Number Max seconds the Projectile will exist. Default 10. Read-Write
shouldBounceOnPlayers bool Determines if the Projectile should bounce off players or be destroyed, when bouncesRemaining is used. Default false. Read-Write
piercesRemaining Integer Number of objects that will be pierced before it dies. A piercing Projectile loses no velocity when going through objects, but still fires the impactEvent event. If combined with bounces, all piercesRemaining are spent before bouncesRemaining are counted. Default 0. Read-Write
capsuleRadius Number Shape of the Projectile's collision. Default 22. Read-Write
capsuleLength Number Shape of the Projectile's collision. A value of zero will make it shaped like a Sphere. Default 44. Read-Write
homingTarget CoreObject The projectile accelerates towards its target. Homing targets are meant to be used with spawned projectiles and will not work with weapons. Read-Write
homingAcceleration Number Magnitude of acceleration towards the target. Default 10,000. Read-Write
shouldDieOnImpact bool If true, the Projectile is automatically destroyed when it hits something, unless it has bounces remaining. Default true. Read-Write


A quaternion-based representation of a rotation.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion from, Quaternion to, Number progress) Quaternion Spherical interpolation between two quaternions by the specified progress amount and returns the resultant, normalized Quaternion. None
Constructor Return Type Description Tags
Quaternion.New([Number x, Number y, Number z, Number w]) Quaternion Constructs a Quaternion with the given values. Defaults to 0, 0, 0, 1. None
Quaternion.New(Rotation r) Quaternion Constructs a Quaternion with the given Rotation. None
Quaternion.New(Vector3 axis, Number angle) Quaternion Constructs a Quaternion representing a rotation of angle degrees around the axis of the Vector3. None
Quaternion.New(Vector3 from, Vector3 to) Quaternion Constructs a Quaternion between the from and to of the Vector3s. None
Quaternion.New(Quaternion q) Quaternion Copies the given Quaternion. None
Quaternion.IDENTITY Quaternion Predefined Quaternion with no rotation. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetRotation() Rotation Get the Rotation representation of the Quaternion. None
GetForwardVector() Vector3 Forward unit vector rotated by the quaternion. None
GetRightVector() Vector3 Right unit vector rotated by the quaternion. None
GetUpVector() Vector3 Up unit vector rotated by the quaternion. None
Operator Return Type Description Tags
Quaternion + Quaternion Quaternion Component-wise addition. None
Quaternion - Quaternion Quaternion Component-wise subtraction. None
Quaternion * Quaternion Quaternion Compose two quaternions, with the result applying the right rotation first, then the left rotation second. None
Quaternion * Number Quaternion Multiplies each component by the right-side Number. None
Quaternion * Vector3 Vector3 Rotates the right-side vector and returns the result. None
Quaternion / Number Quaternion Divides each component by the right-side Number. None
-Quaternion Quaternion Returns the inverse rotation. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
x Number The x component of the Quaternion. Read-Write
y Number The y component of the Quaternion. Read-Write
z Number The z component of the Quaternion. Read-Write
w Number The w component of the Quaternion. Read-Write


Seed-based random stream of numbers. Useful for deterministic RNG problems, for instance, inside a Client Context so all players get the same outcome without the need to replicate lots of data from the server. Bad quality in the lower bits (avoid combining with modulus operations).

Constructor Return Type Description Tags
RandomStream.New([Integer seed]) RandomStream Constructor with specified seed, defaults to 0. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetInitialSeed() Integer The seed that was used to initialize this stream. None
Reset() None Function that sets the seed back to the initial seed. None
Mutate() None Moves the seed forward to the next seed. None
GetNumber([Number min, Number max]) Number Returns a floating point number between min and max (inclusive), defaults to 0 and 1 (exclusive). None
GetInteger(Integer min, Integer max) Number Returns an integer number between min and max (inclusive). None
GetVector3() Vector3 Returns a random unit vector. None
GetVector3FromCone(Vector3 direction, Number halfAngle) Vector3 Returns a random unit vector, uniformly distributed, from inside a cone defined by direction and halfAngle (in degrees). None
GetVector3FromCone(Vector3 direction, Number horizontalHalfAngle, Number verticalHalfAngle) Vector3 Returns a random unit vector, uniformly distributed, from inside a cone defined by direction, horizontalHalfAngle and verticalHalfAngle (in degrees). None
Property Return Type Description Tags
seed Integer The current seed used for RNG. Read-Write


An euler-based rotation around x, y, and z axes.

Constructor Return Type Description Tags
Rotation.New([Number x, Number y, Number z]) Rotation Construct a rotation with the given values, defaults to (0, 0, 0). None
Rotation.New(Quaternion q) Rotation Construct a rotation using the given Quaternion. None
Rotation.New(Vector3 forward, Vector3 up) Rotation Construct a rotation that will rotate Vector3.FORWARD to point in the direction of the given forward vector, with the up vector as a reference. Returns (0, 0, 0) if forward and up point in the exact same (or opposite) direction, or if one of them is of length 0. None
Rotation.New(Rotation r) Rotation Copies the given Rotation. None
Rotation.ZERO Rotation Constant Rotation of (0, 0, 0). None
Operator Return Type Description Tags
Rotation + Rotation Rotation Add two rotations together. None
Rotation - Rotation Rotation Subtract a rotation. None
Rotation * Number Rotation Returns the scaled rotation. None
-Rotation Rotation Returns the inverse rotation. None
Rotation * Vector3 Vector3 Rotates the right-side vector and returns the result. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
x Number The x component of the Rotation. Read-Write
y Number The y component of the Rotation. Read-Write
z Number The z component of the Rotation. Read-Write


Script is a CoreObject representing a script. While not technically a property, a script can access itself using the script variable.

Property Return Type Description Tags
context table Returns the table containing any non-local variables and functions created by the script. This can be used to call (or overwrite!) functions on another script. Read-Only


SmartAudio objects are SmartObjects that wrap sound files. Similar to Audio objects, they have many of the same properties and functions.

Function Return Type Description Tags
Play() None Begins sound playback. Dynamic
Stop() None Stops sound playback. Dynamic
FadeIn(Number time) None Starts playing and fades in the sound over the given time. Dynamic
FadeOut(Number time) None Fades the sound out and stops over time seconds. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
isPlaying bool Returns if the sound is currently playing. Read-Only
isSpatializationEnabled bool Default true. Set to false to play the sound without 3D positioning. Read-Write, Dynamic
isAttenuationEnabled bool Default true, meaning sounds will fade with distance. Read-Write, Dynamic
isOcclusionEnabled bool Default true. Changes attenuation if there is geometry between the player and the audio source. Read-Write, Dynamic
isAutoPlayEnabled bool Default false. If set to true when placed in the editor (or included in a template), the sound will be automatically played when loaded. Read-Only
isTransient (read/write ) bool Default false. If set to true, the sound will automatically destroy itself after it finishes playing. Read-Write, Dynamic
isAutoRepeatEnabled bool Loops when playback has finished. Some sounds are designed to automatically loop, this flag will force others that don't (can be useful for looping music.) Read-Write, Dynamic
pitch Number Default 1. Multiplies the playback pitch of a sound. Note that some sounds have clamped pitch ranges (so 0.2-1 will work, above 1 might not.) Read-Write, Dynamic
volume Number Default 1. Multiplies the playback volume of a sound. Note that values above 1 can distort sound, so if you're trying to balance sounds, experiment to see if scaling down works better than scaling up. Read-Write, Dynamic
radius Number Default 0. If non-zero, will override default 3D spatial parameters of the sound. Radius is the distance away from the sound position that will be played at 100% volume. Read-Write, Dynamic
falloff Number Default 0. If non-zero, will override default 3D spatial parameters of the sound. Falloff is the distance outside the radius over which the sound volume will gradually fall to zero. Read-Write, Dynamic
fadeInTime Number Sets the fade in time for the audio. When the audio is played, it will start at zero volume, and fade in over this many seconds. Read-Write, Dynamic
fadeOutTime Number Sets the fadeout time of the audio. When the audio is stopped, it will keep playing for this many seconds, as it fades out. Read-Write, Dynamic
startTime Number The start time of the audio track. Default is 0. Setting this to anything else means that the audio will skip ahead that many seconds when played. Read-Write, Dynamic


SmartObject is a top-level container for some complex objects and inherits everything from CoreObject. Note that some properties, such as collision or visibility, may not be respected by a SmartObject.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetSmartProperties() table Returns a table containing the names and values of all smart properties on a SmartObject. None
GetSmartProperty(string) value, bool Given a property name, returns the current value of that property on a SmartObject. Returns the value, which can be an Integer, Number, bool, string, Vector3, Rotator, Color, or nil if not found. Second return value is a bool, true if the property was found and false if not. None
SetSmartProperty(string, value) bool Sets the value of an exposed property. Value can be of type Number, bool, string, Vector3, Rotation or Color, but must match the type of the property. Returns true if the property was set successfully and false if not. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
team Integer Assigns the SmartObject to a team. Value range from 0 to 4. 0 is neutral team. Read-Write, Dynamic
isTeamColorUsed bool If true, and the SmartObject has been assigned to a valid team, players on that team will see one color, while other players will see another color. Requires a SmartObject that supports team colors. Read-Write, Dynamic


SpotLight is a Light that shines in a specific direction from the location at which it is placed.

Property Return Type Description Tags
hasNaturalFalloff bool The attenuation method of the light. When enabled, attenuationRadius is used. When disabled, falloffExponent is used. Also changes the interpretation of the intensity property, see intensity for details. Read-Write, Dynamic
falloffExponent Number Controls the radial falloff of the light when hasNaturalFalloff is false. 2.0 is almost linear and very unrealistic and around 8.0 it looks reasonable. With large exponents, the light has contribution to only a small area of its influence radius but still costs the same as low exponents. Read-Write, Dynamic
sourceRadius Number Radius of light source shape. Read-Write, Dynamic
sourceLength Number Length of light source shape. Read-Write, Dynamic
innerConeAngle Number The angle (in degrees) of the cone within which the projected light achieves full brightness. Read-Write, Dynamic
outerConeAngle Number The outer angle (in degrees) of the cone of light emitted by this SpotLight. Read-Write, Dynamic


StaticMesh is a CoreObject representing a static mesh.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetColor() Color Returns the color override previously set from script, or 0, 0, 0, 0 if no such color has been set. None
SetColor(Color) None Overrides the color of all materials on the mesh, and replicates the new colors. Dynamic
ResetColor() None Turns off the color override, if there is one. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
isSimulatingDebrisPhysics bool If true, physics will be enabled for the mesh. Read-Write, Dynamic
team Integer Assigns the mesh to a team. Value range from 0 to 4. 0 is neutral team. Read-Write, Dynamic
isTeamColorUsed bool If true, and the mesh has been assigned to a valid team, players on that team will see a blue mesh, while other players will see red. Requires a material that supports the color property. Read-Write, Dynamic
isTeamCollisionEnabled bool If false, and the mesh has been assigned to a valid team, players on that team will not collide with the mesh. Read-Write, Dynamic
isEnemyCollisionEnabled bool If false, and the mesh has been assigned to a valid team, players on other teams will not collide with the mesh. Read-Write, Dynamic
isCameraCollisionEnabled bool If false, the mesh will not push against the camera. Useful for things like railings or transparent walls. Read-Write, Dynamic


Task is a representation of a Lua thread. It could be a Script initialization, a repeating Tick() function from a Script, an EventListener invocation, or a Task spawned directly by a call to Task.Spawn().

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Task.Spawn(function taskFunction, [Number delay]) Task Creates a new Task which will call taskFunction without blocking the current task. The optional delay parameter specifies how many seconds before the task scheduler should run the Task. By default, the scheduler will run the Task at the end of the current frame. None
Task.GetCurrent() Task Returns the currently running Task. None
Task.Wait([Number delay]) Number Yields the current Task, resuming in delay seconds, or during the next frame if delay is not specified. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
Cancel() None Cancels the Task immediately. It will no longer be executed, regardless of the state it was in. If called on the currently executing Task, that Task will halt execution. None
GetStatus() TaskStatus Returns the status of the Task. Possible values include: TaskStatus.UNINITIALIZED, TaskStatus.SCHEDULED, TaskStatus.RUNNING, TaskStatus.COMPLETED, TaskStatus.YIELDED, TaskStatus.FAILED, TaskStatus.CANCELED. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
id Number A unique identifier for the task. Read-Only
repeatCount Number If set to a non-negative number, the Task will execute that many times. A negative number indicates the Task should repeat indefinitely (until otherwise canceled). With the default of 0, the Task will execute once. With a value of 1, the script will repeat once, meaning it will execute twice. Read-Write
repeatInterval Number For repeating Tasks, the number of seconds to wait after the Task completes before running it again. If set to 0, the Task will wait until the next frame. Read-Write


Terrain is a CoreObject representing terrain placed in the world.


Transforms represent the position, rotation, and scale of objects in the game. They are immutable, but new Transforms can be created when you want to change an object's Transform.

Constructor Return Type Description Tags
Transform.New() Transform Constructs a new identity Transform. None
Transform.New(Quaternion rotation, Vector3 position, Vector3 scale) Transform Constructs a new Transform with a Quaternion. None
Transform.New(Rotation rotation, Vector3 position, Vector3 scale) Transform Constructs a new Transform with a Rotation. None
Transform.New(Vector3 x_axis, Vector3 y_axis, Vector3 z_axis, Vector3 translation) Transform Constructs a new Transform from a Matrix. None
Transform.New(Transform transform) Transform Copies the given Transform. None
Transform.IDENTITY Transform Constant identity Transform. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetPosition() Vector3 Returns a copy of the position component of the Transform. None
SetPosition(Vector3) None Sets the position component of the Transform. None
GetRotation() Rotation Returns a copy of the Rotation component of the Transform. None
SetRotation(Rotation) None Sets the rotation component of the Transform. None
GetQuaternion() Quaternion Returns a quaternion-based representation of the Rotation. None
SetQuaternion(Quaternion) None Sets the quaternion-based representation of the Rotation. None
GetScale() Vector3 Returns a copy of the scale component of the Transform. None
SetScale(Vector3) None Sets the scale component of the Transform. None
GetForwardVector() Vector3 Forward vector of the Transform. None
GetRightVector() Vector3 Right vector of the Transform. None
GetUpVector() Vector3 Up vector of the Transform. None
GetInverse() Transform Inverse of the Transform. None
TransformPosition(Vector3 position) Vector3 Applies the Transform to the given position in 3D space. None
TransformDirection(Vector3 direction) Vector3 Applies the Transform to the given directional Vector3. This will rotate and scale the Vector3, but does not apply the Transform's position. None
Operator Return Type Description Tags
Transform * Transform Transform Returns a new Transform composing the left and right Transforms. None
Transform * Quaternion Transform Returns a new Transform composing the left Transform then the right side rotation. None


A trigger is an invisible and non-colliding CoreObject which fires events when it interacts with another object (e.g. A Player walks into it):

Event Return Type Description Tags
beginOverlapEvent Event<Trigger trigger, Object other> Fired when an object enters the Trigger volume. The first parameter is the Trigger itself. The second is the object overlapping the Trigger, which may be a CoreObject, a Player, or some other type. Call other:IsA() to check the type. None
endOverlapEvent Event<Trigger trigger, Object other> Fired when an object exits the Trigger volume. Parameters the same as beginOverlapEvent. None
interactedEvent Event<Trigger trigger, Player> Fired when a player uses the interaction on a trigger volume (F key). The first parameter is the Trigger itself and the second parameter is a Player. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
IsOverlapping(CoreObject) bool Returns true if given CoreObject overlaps with the Trigger. None
IsOverlapping(Player) bool Returns true if given player overlaps with the Trigger. None
GetOverlappingObjects() Array<Object> Returns a list of all objects that are currently overlapping with the Trigger. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
isInteractable bool Interactable Triggers expect Players to walk up and press the F key to activate them. Read-Write, Dynamic
interactionLabel string The text players will see in their HUD when they come into range of interacting with this trigger. Read-Write, Dynamic
team Integer Assigns the trigger to a team. Value range from 0 to 4. 0 is neutral team. Read-Write, Dynamic
isTeamCollisionEnabled bool If false, and the Trigger has been assigned to a valid team, players on that team will not overlap or interact with the Trigger. Read-Write, Dynamic
isEnemyCollisionEnabled bool If false, and the Trigger has been assigned to a valid team, players on enemy teams will not overlap or interact with the Trigger. Read-Write, Dynamic


A UIControl for a button, should be inside client context.

Event Return Type Description Tags
clickedEvent Event<UIButton> Fired when button is clicked. This triggers on mouse-button up, if both button-down and button-up events happen inside the button hitbox. None
pressedEvent Event<UIButton> Fired when button is pressed. (mouse button down) None
releasedEvent Event<UIButton> Fired when button is released. (mouse button up) None
hoveredEvent Event<UIButton> Fired when button is hovered. None
unhoveredEvent Event<UIButton> Fired when button is unhovered. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetButtonColor() Color Gets the button's default color. None
SetButtonColor(Color) None Sets the button's default color. Dynamic
GetHoveredColor() Color Gets the button's color when hovered. None
SetHoveredColor(Color) None Sets the button's color when hovered. Dynamic
GetPressedColor() Color Gets the button's color when pressed. None
SetPressedColor(Color) None Sets the button's color when pressed. Dynamic
GetDisabledColor() Color Gets the button's color when it's not interactable. None
SetDisabledColor(Color) None Sets the button's color when it's not interactable. Dynamic
GetFontColor() Color Gets the font's color. None
SetFontColor(Color) None Sets the font's color. Dynamic
SetImage(string brushMUID) None Sets the image to a new MUID. You can get this MUID from an Asset Reference. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
text string Returns the button's label text. Read-Write, Dynamic
fontSize Integer Returns the font size of the label text. Read-Write, Dynamic
isInteractable bool Returns whether the Button can interact with the cursor (click, hover, etc). Read-Write, Dynamic


A UIControl indicates which child UI elements should be rendered. Does not have a position or size (it always is the size of the entire screen).

They have no properties or functions of their own, but inherit everything from CoreObject.


UIControl is a CoreObject which serves as a base class for other UI controls.

Property Return Type Description Tags
x Number Screen-space offset from the anchor. Read-Write, Dynamic
y Number Screen-space offset from the anchor. Read-Write, Dynamic
width Number Horizontal size of the control. Read-Write, Dynamic
height Number Vertical size of the control. Read-Write, Dynamic
rotationAngle Number rotation angle of the control. Read-Write, Dynamic


A UIControl for displaying an image.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetColor() Color Returns the current color of the UIImage. None
SetColor(Color) None Sets the UIImage to a color. Dynamic
GetImage() string Returns the imageId assigned to this UIImage control. None
SetImage(MUID imageId) None Sets the UIImage to a new MUID. You can get this MUID from an Asset Reference. Dynamic
SetImage(Player) None Downloads and sets a Player's profile picture as the texture for this UIImage control. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
isTeamColorUsed bool If true, the image will be tinted blue if its team matches the Player, or red if not. Read-Write, Dynamic
team Integer the team of the image, used for isTeamColorUsed. Read-Write, Dynamic


A UIControl which can be used for containing and laying out other UI controls.

Property Return Type Description Tags
shouldClipChildren bool If true, children of this UIPanel will not draw outside of its bounds. Read-Write, Dynamic


A UIControl that displays a filled rectangle which can be used for things such as a health indicator.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetFillColor() Color The color of the fill. None
SetFillColor(Color) None The color of the fill. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
progress Number From 0 to 1, how full the bar should be. Read-Write, Dynamic


A UIControl that supports scrolling a child UIControl that is larger than itself.

They have no properties or functions of their own, but inherit everything from CoreObject and UIControl.


A UIControl which displays a basic text label.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetColor() Color The color of the Text. None
SetColor(Color) None The color of the Text. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
text string The actual text string to show. Read-Write, Dynamic
fontSize Number The font size of the UIText control. Read-Write, Dynamic
justification TextJustify Determines the alignment of text. Possible values are: TextJustify.LEFT, TextJustify.RIGHT, and TextJustify.CENTER. Read-Write, Dynamic
shouldWrapText bool Whether or not text should be wrapped within the bounds of this control. Read-Write, Dynamic
shouldClipText bool Whether or not text should be clipped when exceeding the bounds of this control. Read-Write, Dynamic


A two-component vector that can represent a position or direction.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Vector2.Lerp(Vector2 from, Vector2 to, Number progress) Vector2 Linearly interpolates between two vectors by the specified progress amount and returns the resultant Vector2. None
Constructor Return Type Description Tags
Vector2.New([Number x, Number y]) Vector2 Constructs a Vector2 with the given x, y values, defaults to (0, 0). None
Vector2.New(Number) Vector2 Constructs a Vector2 with x, y values both set to the given value. None
Vector2.New(Vector3 v) Vector3 Constructs a Vector2 with x, y values from the given Vector3. None
Vector2.New(Vector2 v) Vector2 Constructs a Vector2 with x, y values from the given Vector2. None
Vector2.ZERO Vector2 (0, 0) None
Vector2.ONE Vector2 (1, 1) None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetNormalized() Vector2 Returns a new Vector2 with size 1, but still pointing in the same direction. Returns (0, 0) if the vector is too small to be normalized. None
Operator Return Type Description Tags
Vector2 + Vector2 Vector2 Component-wise addition. None
Vector2 + Number Vector2 Adds the right-side Number to each of the components in the left side and returns the resulting Vector2. None
Vector2 - Vector2 Vector2 Component-wise subtraction. None
Vector2 - Number Vector2 Subtracts the right-side Number from each of the components in the left side and returns the resulting Vector2. None
Vector2 * Vector2 Vector2 Component-wise multiplication. None
Vector2 * Number Vector2 Multiplies each component of the Vector2 by the right-side Number. None
Number * Vector2 Vector2 Multiplies each component of the Vector2 by the left-side Number. None
Vector2 / Vector2 Vector2 Component-wise division. None
Vector2 / Number Vector2 Divides each component of the Vector2 by the right-side Number. None
-Vector2 Vector2 Returns the negation of the Vector2. None
Vector2 .. Vector2 Number Returns the dot product of the Vector2s. None
Vector2 ^ Vector2 Vector2 Returns the cross product of the Vector2s. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
x Number The x component of the Vector2. Read-Write
y Number The y component of the Vector2. Read-Write
size Number The magnitude of the Vector2. Read-Only
sizeSquared Number The squared magnitude of the Vector2. Read-Only


A three-component vector that can represent a position or direction.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Vector3.Lerp(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Number progress) Vector3 Linearly interpolates between two vectors by the specified progress amount and returns the resultant Vector3. None
Constructor Return Type Description Tags
Vector3.New([Number x, Number y, Number z]) Vector3 Constructs a Vector3 with the given x, y, z values, defaults to (0, 0, 0). None
Vector3.New(Number v) Vector3 Constructs a Vector3 with x, y, z values all set to the given value. None
Vector3.New(Vector2 xy, Number z) Vector3 Constructs a Vector3 with x, y values from the given Vector2 and the given z value. None
Vector3.New(Vector3 v) Vector3 Constructs a Vector3 with x, y, z values from the given Vector3. None
Vector3.New(Vector4 v) Vector4 Constructs a Vector3 with x, y, z values from the given Vector4. None
Vector3.ZERO Vector3 (0, 0, 0) "Example") None
Vector3.ONE Vector3 (1, 1, 1) "Example") None
Vector3.FORWARD Vector3 (1, 0, 0) "Example") None
Vector3.UP Vector3 (0, 0, 1) "Example") None
Vector3.RIGHT Vector3 (0, 1, 0) "Example") None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetNormalized() Vector3 Returns a new Vector3 with size 1, but still pointing in the same direction. Returns (0, 0, 0) if the vector is too small to be normalized. None
Operator Return Type Description Tags
Vector3 + Vector3 Vector3 Component-wise addition. None
Vector3 + Number Vector3 Adds the right-side Number to each of the components in the left side and returns the resulting Vector3. None
Vector3 - Vector3 Vector3 Component-wise subtraction. None
Vector3 - Number Vector3 Subtracts the right-side Number from each of the components in the left side and returns the resulting Vector3. None
Vector3 * Vector3 Vector3 Component-wise multiplication. None
Vector3 * Number Vector3 Multiplies each component of the Vector3 by the right-side Number. None
Number * Vector3 Vector3 Multiplies each component of the Vector3 by the left-side Number. None
Vector3 / Vector3 Vector3 Component-wise division. None
Vector3 / Number Vector3 Divides each component of the Vector3 by the right-side Number. None
-Vector3 Vector3 Returns the negation of the Vector3. None
Vector3 .. Vector3 Number Returns the dot product of the Vector3s. None
Vector3 ^ Vector3 Vector3 Returns the cross product of the Vector3s. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
x Number The x component of the Vector3. Read-Write
y Number The y component of the Vector3. Read-Write
z Number The z component of the Vector3. Read-Write
size Number The magnitude of the Vector3. Read-Only
sizeSquared Number The squared magnitude of the Vector3. Read-Only


A four-component vector.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Vector4.Lerp(Vector4 from, Vector4 to, Number progress) Vector4 Linearly interpolates between two vectors by the specified progress amount and returns the resultant Vector4. None
Constructor Return Type Description Tags
Vector4.New([Number x, Number y, Number z, Number w]) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with the given x, y, z, w values, defaults to (0, 0, 0, 0). None
Vector4.New(Number v) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y, z, w values all set to the given value. None
Vector4.New(Vector3 xyz, Number w) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y, z values from the given Vector3 and the given w value. None
Vector4.New(Vector4 v) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y, z, w values from the given Vector4. None
Vector4.New(Vector2 xy, Vector2 zw) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y values from the first Vector2 and z, w values from the second Vector2. None
Vector4.New(Color v) Color Constructs a Vector4 with x, y, z, w values mapped from the given Color's r, g, b, a values. None
Vector3.ZERO Vector3 (0, 0, 0, 0) None
Vector3.ONE Vector3 (1, 1, 1, 1) None
Function Return Type Description Tags
GetNormalized() Vector4 Returns a new Vector4 with size 1, but still pointing in the same direction. Returns (0, 0, 0, 0) if the vector is too small to be normalized. None
Operator Return Type Description Tags
Vector4 + Vector4 Vector4 Component-wise addition. None
Vector4 + Number Vector4 Adds the right-side Number to each of the components in the left side and returns the resulting Vector4. None
Vector4 - Vector4 Vector4 Component-wise subtraction. None
Vector4 - Number Vector4 Subtracts the right-side Number from each of the components in the left side and returns the resulting Vector4. None
Vector4 * Vector4 Vector4 Component-wise multiplication. None
Vector4 * Number Vector4 Multiplies each component of the Vector4 by the right-side Number. None
Number * Vector4 Vector4 Multiplies each component of the Vector4 by the left-side Number. None
Vector4 / Vector4 Vector4 Component-wise division. None
Vector4 / Number Vector4 Divides each component of the Vector4 by the right-side Number. None
-Vector4 Vector4 Returns the negation of the Vector4. None
Vector4 .. Vector4 Number Returns the dot product of the Vector4s. None
Vector4 ^ Vector4 Vector4 Returns the cross product of the Vector4s. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
x Number The x component of the Vector4. Read-Write
y Number The y component of the Vector4. Read-Write
z Number The z component of the Vector4. Read-Write
w Number The w component of the Vector4. Read-Write
size Number The magnitude of the Vector4. Read-Only
sizeSquared Number The squared magnitude of the Vector4. Read-Only


Vfx is a specialized type of SmartObject for visual effects. It inherits everything from SmartObject.

Function Return Type Description Tags
Play() None Starts playing the effect. Dynamic
Stop() None Stops playing the effect. Dynamic


A Weapon is an Equipment that comes with built-in Abilities and fires Projectiles.

Event Return Type Description Tags
targetImpactedEvent Event<Weapon, ImpactData> Fired when a Weapon interacts with something. E.g. a shot hits a wall. The ImpactData parameter contains information such as which object was hit, who owns the Weapon, which ability was involved in the interaction, etc. Server-Only
projectileSpawnedEvent Event<Weapon, Projectile> Fired when a Weapon spawns a projectile. None
Function Return Type Description Tags
HasAmmo() bool Informs whether the Weapon is able to attack or not. None
Attack(target) None Triggers the main ability of the Weapon. Optional target parameter can be a Vector3 world position, a Player, or a CoreObject. None
Property Return Type Description Tags
animationStance string When the Weapon is equipped this animation stance is applied to the Player. Read-Only
attackCooldownDuration Number Interval between separate burst sequences. Read-Only
multiShotCount Integer Number of Projectiles/Hitscans that will fire simultaneously inside the spread area each time the Weapon attacks. Does not affect the amount of ammo consumed per attack. Read-Only
burstCount Integer Number of automatic activations of the Weapon that generally occur in quick succession. Read-Only
shotsPerSecond Number Used in conjunction with burstCount to determine the interval between automatic weapon activations. Read-Write
shouldBurstStopOnRelease bool If true, a burst sequence can be interrupted by the Player by releasing the action button. If false, the burst continues firing automatically until it completes or the Weapon runs out of ammo. Read-Only
isHitscan bool If false, the Weapon will produce simulated Projectiles. If true, it will instead use instantaneous line traces to simulate shots. Read-Only
range Number Max travel distance of the Projectile (isHitscan = False) or range of the line trace (isHitscan = True). Read-Only
damage Number Damage applied to a Player when the weapon attack hits a player target. If set to zero, no damage is applied. Read-Only
projectileTemplateId string Asset reference for the visual body of the Projectile, for non-hitscan Weapons. Read-Only
muzzleFlashTemplateId string Asset reference for a Vfx to be attached to the muzzle point each time the Weapon attacks. Read-Only
trailTemplateId string Asset reference for a trail Vfx to follow the trajectory of the shot. Read-Only
beamTemplateId string Asset reference for a beam Vfx to be placed along the trajectory of the shot. Useful for hitscan Weapons or very fast Projectiles. Read-Only
impactSurfaceTemplateId string Asset reference of a Vfx to be attached to the surface of any CoreObjects hit by the attack. Read-Only
impactProjectileTemplateId string Asset reference of a Vfx to be spawned at the interaction point. It will be aligned with the trajectory. If the impacted object is a CoreObject, then the Vfx will attach to it as a child. Read-Only
impactPlayerTemplateId string Asset reference of a Vfx to be spawned at the interaction point, if the impacted object is a player. Read-Only
projectileSpeed Number Travel speed (cm/s) of Projectiles spawned by this weapon. Read-Only
projectileLifeSpan Number Duration after which Projectiles are destroyed. Read-Only
projectileGravity Number Gravity scale applied to spawned Projectiles. Read-Only
projectileLength Number Length of the Projectile's capsule collision. Read-Only
projectileRadius Number Radius of the Projectile's capsule collision Read-Only
projectileDrag Number Drag on the Projectile. Read-Only
projectileBounceCount Integer Number of times the Projectile will bounce before it's destroyed. Each bounce generates an interaction event. Read-Only
projectilePierceCount Integer Number of objects that will be pierced by the Projectile before it's destroyed. Each pierce generates an interaction event. Read-Only
maxAmmo Integer How much ammo the Weapon starts with and its max capacity. If set to -1 then the Weapon has infinite capacity and doesn't need to reload. Read-Only
currentAmmo Integer Current amount of ammo stored in this Weapon. Read-Write, Dynamic
ammoType string A unique identifier for the ammunition type. Read-Only
isAmmoFinite bool Determines where the ammo comes from. If true, then ammo will be drawn from the Player's Resource inventory and reload will not be possible until the Player acquires more ammo somehow. If false, then the Weapon simply reloads to full and inventory Resources are ignored. Read-Only
outOfAmmoSoundId string Asset reference for a sound effect to be played when the Weapon tries to activate, but is out of ammo. Read-Only
reloadSoundId string Asset reference for a sound effect to be played when the Weapon reloads ammo. Read-Only
spreadMin Number Smallest size in degrees for the Weapon's cone of probability space to fire Projectiles in. Read-Only
spreadMax Number Largest size in degrees for the Weapon's cone of probability space to fire Projectiles in. Read-Only
spreadAperture Number The surface size from which shots spawn. An aperture of zero means shots originate from a single point. Read-Only
spreadDecreaseSpeed Number Speed at which the spread contracts back from its current value to the minimum cone size. Read-Only
spreadIncreasePerShot Number Amount the spread increases each time the Weapon attacks. Read-Only
spreadPenaltyPerShot Number Cumulative penalty to the spread size for successive attacks. Penalty cools off based on spreadDecreaseSpeed. Read-Only


WorldText is an in-world text CoreObject.

Function Return Type Description Tags
GetColor() Color The color of the Text. None
SetColor(Color) None The color of the Text. Dynamic
Property Return Type Description Tags
text string The text being displayed by this object. Read-Write, Dynamic

Core Lua Namespaces

Some sets of related functionality are grouped within namespaces, which are similar to the types above, but cannot be instantiated. They are only ever accessed by calling functions within these namespaces.

Core Lua Functions

A few base functions provided by the platform.

Function Return Type Description Tags
Tick(Number deltaTime) Number Tick event, used for things you need to check continuously (e.g. main game loop), but be careful of putting too much logic here or you will cause performance issues. DeltaTime is the time difference (in ms) between this and the last tick. None
time() Number Returns the time in seconds (floating point) since the game started on the server. None
print(string) string Print a message to the event log. Access the Event Log from the "View" menu. None
warn(string) string Similar to print(), but includes the script name and line number. None


The CoreDebug namespace contains functions that may be useful for debugging.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
CoreDebug.DrawLine(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, [table optionalParameters]) None Draws a debug line. optionalParameters are: duration (Number) - if <= 0, draw for single frame, thickness (Number), color (Color). None
CoreDebug.DrawBox(Vector3 center, Vector3 dimensions, [table optionalParameters]) None Draws a debug box, with dimension specified as a vector. optionalParameters has same options as DrawLine, with addition of: rotation (Rotation) - rotation of the box None
CoreDebug.DrawSphere(Vector3 center, radius, [table optionalParameters]) None Draws a debug sphere. None
CoreDebug Code Example
-- draw red line for 3 seconds
CoreDebug.DrawLine(Vector3.New(0, 0, 0), Vector3.New(0, 0, 1000), {color = Color.RED, duration = 3.0})

-- draw box with dimension (100x200x300) for 10 seconds, rotated 45 degrees along Z axis
CoreDebug.DrawBox(Vector3.New(1000, 0, 0), Vector3.New(100, 200, 300), {color = Color.BLUE, duration = 10.0, rotation = Rotation.New(0, 0, 45)})

-- draw cyan sphere with radius 50 for single frame
CoreDebug.DrawSphere(Vector3.New(0, 0, 100), 50, {color = Color.CYAN })


The CoreMath namespace contains a set of math functions.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
CoreMath.Clamp(Number value, [Number lower, Number upper]) Number Clamps value between lower and upper, inclusive. If lower and upper are not specified, defaults to 0 and 1. None
CoreMath.Lerp(Number from, Number to, Number t) Number Linear interpolation between from and to. t should be a floating point number from 0 to 1, with 0 returning from and 1 returning to. None
CoreMath.Round(Number value, [Number decimals]) Number Rounds value to an integer, or to an optional number of decimal places, and returns the rounded value. None


The CoreString namespace contains a set of string utility functions.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
CoreString.Join(string delimiter, [...]) string Concatenates the given values together, separated by delimiter. If a given value is not a string, it is converted to one using tostring(). None
CoreString.Split(string s, [string delimiter], [table parameters]) ... Splits the string s into substrings separated by delimiter.
Optional parameters in the parameters table include:
removeEmptyResults (bool): If true, empty strings will be removed from the results. Defaults to false.
maxResults (integer): Limits the number of strings that will be returned. The last result will be any remaining unsplit portion of s.
delimiters (string or Array<string>):Allows splitting on multiple delimiters. If both this and the delimiter parameter are specified, the combined list is used. If neither is specified, default is to split on any whitespace characters.
Note that this function does not return a table, it returns multiple strings. For example: local myHello, myCore = CoreString.Split("Hello Core!") If a table is desired, wrap the call to Split() in curly braces, eg: local myTable = {CoreString.Split("Hello Core!")}
CoreString.Trim(string s, [...]) string Trims whitespace from the start and end of s, returning the result. An optional list of strings may be provided to trim those strings from s instead of the default whitespace. For example, CoreString.Trim("(==((Hello!))==)", "(==(", ")==)") returns "(Hello!)". None


User defined events can be specified using the Events namespace. The Events namespace uses the following class functions:

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Events.Connect(string eventName, function eventListener, [...]) EventListener Registers the given function to the event name which will be called every time the event is fired using Broadcast. Returns an EventListener which can be used to disconnect from the event or check if the event is still connected. Accepts any number of additional arguments after the listener function, those arguments will be provided after the event's own parameters. None
Events.ConnectForPlayer(string eventName, function eventListener, [...]) EventListener Registers the given function to the event name which will be called every time the event is fired using BroadcastToServer. The first parameter the function receives will be the Player that fired the event. Returns an EventListener which can be used to disconnect from the event or check if the event is still connected. Accepts any number of additional arguments after the listener function, those arguments will be provided after the event's own parameters. None
Events.Broadcast(string eventName, [...]) string Broadcasts the given event and fires all listeners attached to the given event name if any exists. Parameters after event name specifies the arguments passed to the listener. Any number of arguments can be passed to the listener function. The events are not networked and can fire events defined in the same context. None
Events.BroadcastToAllPlayers(string eventName, [...]) <BroadcastEventResultCode, string errorMessage> Broadcasts the given event to all clients over the network and fires all listeners attached to the given event name if any exists. Parameters after event name specify the arguments passed to the listener on the client. The function returns a result code and a message. Possible result codes can be found below. This is a networked event. The maximum size a networked event can send is 128bytes and all networked events are subjected to a rate limit of 10 events per second. Server-Only
Events.BroadcastToPlayer(Player player, string eventName, [...]) <BroadcastEventResultCode, string errorMessage> Broadcasts the given event to a specific client over the network and fires all listeners attached to the given event name if any exists on that client. The first parameter specifies the Player to which the event will be sent. The parameters after event name specify the arguments passed to the listener on the client. The function returns a result code and a message. Possible result codes can be found below. This is a networked event. The maximum size a networked event can send is 128bytes and all networked events are subjected to a rate limit of 10 events per second. Server-Only
Events.BroadcastToServer(string eventName, [...]) <BroadcastEventResultCode, string errorMessage> Broadcasts the given event to the server over the network and fires all listeners attached to the given event name if any exists on the server. The parameters after event name specify the arguments passed to the listener on the server. The function returns a result code and a message. Possible result codes can be found below. This is a networked event. The maximum size a networked event can send is 128bytes and all networked events are subjected to a rate limit of 10 events per second. Client-Only
Broadcast Event Result Codes
  • BroadcastEventResultCode.SUCCESS
  • BroadcastEventResultCode.FAILURE
  • BroadcastEventResultCode.EXCEEDED_SIZE_LIMIT
  • BroadcastEventResultCode.EXCEEDED_RATE_WARNING_LIMIT
  • BroadcastEventResultCode.EXCEEDED_RATE_LIMIT
Networked Events Supported Types
  • Bool
  • Int32
  • Float
  • String
  • Color
  • Rotator
  • Vector2
  • Vector3
  • Vector4
  • Player
  • Table


Game is a collection of functions and events related to players in the game, rounds of a game, and team scoring.

Class Event Return Type Description Tags
Game.playerJoinedEvent Event<Player> Fired when a player has joined the game and their character is ready. None
Game.playerLeftEvent Event<Player> Fired when a player has disconnected from the game or their character has been destroyed. None
Game.roundStartEvent Event Fired when StartRound is called on game. None
Game.roundEndEvent Event Fired when EndRound is called on game. None
Game.teamScoreChangedEvent Event<Integer team> Fired whenever any team's score changes. This is fired once per team who's score changes. None
Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Game.GetLocalPlayer() Player Returns the local player. Client-Only
Game.GetPlayers([table parameters]) Array<Player> Returns a table containing the players currently in the game. An optional table may be provided containing parameters to filter the list of players returned: ignoreDead(boolean), ignoreLiving(boolean), ignoreTeams(Integer or table of Integer), includeTeams(Integer or table of Integer), ignorePlayers(Player or table of Player), E.g.: Game.GetPlayers({ignoreDead = true, ignorePlayers = Game.GetLocalPlayer()}). None
Game.FindNearestPlayer(Vector3 position, [table parameters]) Player Returns the Player that is nearest to the given position. An optional table may be provided containing parameters to filter the list of players considered. This supports the same list of parameters as GetPlayers(). None
Game.FindPlayersInCylinder(Vector3 position, Number radius, [table parameters]) Array<Player> Returns a table with all Players that are in the given area. Position's z is ignored with the cylindrical area always upright. An optional table may be provided containing parameters to filter the list of players considered. This supports the same list of parameters as GetPlayers(). None
Game.FindPlayersInSphere(Vector3 position, Number radius, [table parameters]) Array<Player> Returns a table with all Players that are in the given spherical area. An optional table may be provided containing parameters to filter the list of players considered. This supports the same list of parameters as GetPlayers(). None
Game.StartRound() None Fire all events attached to roundStartEvent. Server-Only
Game.EndRound() None Fire all events attached to roundEndEvent. Server-Only
Game.GetTeamScore(Integer team) Integer Returns the current score for the specified team. Only teams 0 - 4 are valid. None
Game.SetTeamScore(Integer team, Integer score) None Sets one team's score. Server-Only
Game.IncreaseTeamScore(Integer team, Integer scoreChange) None Increases one team's score. Server-Only
Game.DecreaseTeamScore(Integer team, Integer scoreChange) None Decreases one team's score. Server-Only
Game.ResetTeamScores() None Sets all teams' scores to 0. Server-Only


The Storage namespace contains a set of functions for handling persistent storage of data. To use the Storage API, you must place a Game Settings object in your game and check the Enable Player Storage property on it.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Storage.GetPlayerData(Player player) table Returns the player data associated with player. This returns a copy of the data that has already been retrieved for the player, so calling this function does not incur any additional network cost. Changes to the data in the returned table will not be persisted without calling Storage.SetPlayerData(). Server-Only
Storage.SetPlayerData(Player player, table data) StorageResultCode, string Updates the data associated with player. Returns a result code and an error message. See below for possible result codes and supported data types. Player data is limited to 16KB per player.
Possible result codes:
Storage Supported Types
  • Bool
  • Int32
  • Float
  • String
  • Color
  • Rotator
  • Vector2
  • Vector3
  • Vector4
  • Player
  • Table


The Teams namespace contains a set of class functions for dealing with teams and team settings.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
Teams.AreTeamsEnemies(Integer team1, Integer team2) bool Returns true if teams are considered enemies under the current TeamMode. If either team is TEAM_NEUTRAL=0, returns false. None
Teams.AreTeamsFriendly(Integer team1, Integer team2) bool Returns true if teams are considered friendly under the current TeamMode. If either team is TEAM_NEUTRAL=0, returns true. None


The UI namespace contains a set of class functions allowing you to get information about a Player's display and push information to their HUD. Most functions require the script to be inside a ClientContext and execute for the local Player.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
UI.ShowFlyUpText(string message, Vector3 worldPosition, [table parameters]) None Shows a quick text on screen that tracks its position relative to a world position. The last parameter is an optional table containing additional parameters: duration (Number) - How long the text should remain on the screen. Default duration is 0.5 seconds; color (Color) - The color of the Text. Default is white; isBig (boolean) - When true, larger text is used. Client-Only
UI.ShowDamageDirection(Vector3 worldPosition) None Local player sees an arrow pointing towards some damage source. Lasts for 5 seconds. Client-Only
UI.ShowDamageDirection(CoreObject source) None Local player sees an arrow pointing towards some CoreObject. Multiple calls with the same CoreObject reuse the same UI indicator, but refreshes its duration. Client-Only
UI.ShowDamageDirection(Player source) None Local player sees an arrow pointing towards some other Player. Multiple calls with the same Player reuse the same UI indicator, but refreshes its duration. The arrow points to where the source was at the moment ShowDamageDirection is called and does not track the source Player's movements. Client-Only
UI.GetCursorPosition() Vector2 Returns a Vector2 with the x, y coordinates of the mouse cursor on the screen. Only gives results from a client context. May return nil if the cursor position cannot be determined. Client-Only
UI.GetScreenPosition(Vector3 worldPosition) Vector2 Calculates the location that worldPosition appears on the screen. Returns a Vector2 with the x, y coordinates, or nil if worldPosition is behind the camera. Only gives results from a client context. Client-Only
UI.GetScreenSize() Vector2 Returns a Vector2 with the size of the Player's screen in the x, y coordinates. Only gives results from a client context. May return nil if the screen size cannot be determined. Client-Only
UI.PrintToScreen(string message, [Color]) None Draws a message on the corner of the screen. Second optional Color parameter can change the color from the default white. Client-Only
UI.IsCursorVisible() bool Returns whether the cursor is visible. Client-Only
UI.SetCursorVisible(bool isVisible) None Sets whether the cursor is visible. Client-Only
UI.IsCursorLockedToViewport() bool Returns whether to lock cursor in viewport. Client-Only
UI.SetCursorLockedToViewport(bool isLocked) None Sets whether to lock cursor in viewport. Client-Only
UI.CanCursorInteractWithUI() bool Returns whether the cursor can interact with UI elements like buttons. Client-Only
UI.SetCanCursorInteractWithUI(bool) None Sets whether the cursor can interact with UI elements like buttons. Client-Only
UI.IsReticleVisible() bool Check if reticle is visible. Client-Only
UI.SetReticleVisible(bool show) None Shows or hides the reticle for the Player. Client-Only
UI.GetCursorHitResult() HitResult Return hit result from local client's view in direction of the Projected cursor position. Meant for client-side use only, for Ability cast, please use ability:GetTargetData():GetHitPosition(), which would contain cursor hit position at time of cast, when in top-down camera mode. Client-Only
UI.GetCursorPlaneIntersection(Vector3 pointOnPlane, [Vector3 planeNormal]) Vector3 Return intersection from local client's camera direction to given plane, specified by point on plane and optionally its normal. Meant for client-side use only. Example usage: local hitPos = UI.GetCursorPlaneIntersection(Vector3.New(0, 0, 0)). Client-Only


World is a collection of functions for finding objects in the world.

Class Function Return Type Description Tags
World.GetRootObject() CoreObject Returns the root of the CoreObject hierarchy. None
World.FindObjectsByName(string name) Array<CoreObject> Returns a table containing all the objects in the hierarchy with a matching name. If none match, an empty table is returned. None
World.FindObjectsByType(string typeName) Array<CoreObject> Returns a table containing all the objects in the hierarchy whose type is or extends the specified type. If none match, an empty table is returned. None
World.FindObjectByName(string typeName) CoreObject Returns the first object found with a matching name. In none match, nil is returned. None
World.FindObjectById(string muid) CoreObject Returns the object with a given MUID. Returns nil if no object has this ID. None
World.SpawnAsset(string assetId, [table parameters]) CoreObject Spawns an instance of an asset into the world. Optional parameters can specify a parent for the spawned object. Supported parameters include: parent (CoreObject)
If provided, the spawned asset will be a child of this parent, and any Transform parameters are relative to the parent's Transform; position (Vector3): Position of the spawned object; rotation (Rotation or Quaternion): Rotation of the spawned object; scale (Vector3): Scale of the spawned object.
World.Raycast(Vector3 rayStart, Vector3 rayEnd, [table parameters]) HitResult Traces a ray from rayStart to rayEnd, returning a HitResult with data about the impact point and object. Returns nil if no intersection is found.
Optional parameters can be provided to control the results of the Raycast: ignoreTeams (Integer or Array<Integer>): Don't return any players belonging to the team or teams listed; ignorePlayers (Player, Array<Player>, or boolean): Ignore any of the players listed. If true, ignore all players.

Built-In Lua Functions

For security reasons, various built-in Lua functions have been restricted or removed entirely. The available functions are listed below. Note that Lua's built-in trigonometric functions use radians, while other functions in Core uses degrees. See the reference manual for more information on what they do.

Built-In Lua Functions
  • assert
  • collectgarbage (modified)
  • error
  • getmetatable (modified)
  • ipairs
  • next
  • pairs
  • pcall
  • print (modified)
  • rawequal
  • rawget (modified)
  • rawset (modified)
  • require (modified)
  • select
  • setmetatable (modified)
  • tonumber
  • tostring
  • type
  • _G (modified)
  • xpcall
  • coroutine.create
  • coroutine.isyieldable
  • coroutine.resume
  • coroutine.running
  • coroutine.status
  • coroutine.wrap
  • coroutine.yield
  • math.abs
  • math.acos
  • math.asin
  • math.atan
  • math.ceil
  • math.cos
  • math.deg
  • math.exp
  • math.floor
  • math.fmod
  • math.huge
  • math.log
  • math.max
  • math.maxinteger
  • math.min
  • math.mininteger
  • math.modf
  • math.pi
  • math.rad
  • math.random
  • math.randomseed
  • math.sin
  • math.sqrt
  • math.tan
  • math.tointeger
  • math.type
  • math.ult
  • os.clock
  • os.difftime
  • os.time
  • string.byte
  • string.char
  • string.find
  • string.format
  • string.gmatch
  • string.gsub
  • string.len
  • string.lower
  • string.match
  • string.pack
  • string.packsize
  • string.rep
  • string.reverse
  • string.sub
  • string.unpack
  • string.upper
  • table.concat
  • table.insert
  • table.move
  • table.pack
  • table.remove
  • table.sort
  • table.unpack
  • utf8.char
  • utf8.charpattern
  • utf8.codepoint
  • utf8.len
  • utf8.offset


MUIDs are internal identifiers for objects and assets within your game. They are guaranteed to be unique within the game and likely to be unique globally. You can copy a MUID to the clipboard automatically by right-clicking assets in the Asset Manifest or placed objects in the Hierarchy. The MUID will look something like this:


The important part is the 16 digits at the start. The colon and everything after it are optional and are there to make it easier to read. Some Lua functions use MUIDs, for example FindObjectById and SpawnAsset. When used in a script, it needs to be surrounded by quotes to make it a string. For example:

local spawnTrans = script.parent:GetWorldTransform()
local anchor = World.FindObjectById('8D4B5619000000ED:Anchor')
World.SpawnAsset('8D4B561900000092:Rabbit', spawnTrans, anchor)

Last update: April 4, 2020

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