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Core Documentation

Welcome to the official documentation of Core™, the community-focused game creation tool with everything you need to develop and publish high quality games.

Core Features

  • Built-in multiplayer: Share and play with friends anywhere in the world.
  • One-click publishing: Launch your game with the push of a button.
  • Community collaboration: Bolster your creation with objects, scripts, and games shared by other Core Creators.
  • The tools you need: VFX, audio, materials, textures, skyboxes, terrain sculpting, heightmaps, scripting, and an expansive list of features in the works.

Ready to get started? Create your first game!

Organization of the Documentation

About Open Alpha

Core is in Open Alpha, which means it is still in early stages, with many features yet to come. As an Alpha Core Creator, you are invited to push the boundaries of the platform and design new types of games and experiences in Core. We appreciate your feedback, bug reports, and participation in the Creator Community as we push Core to continuing greatness together.

About the Documentation

The Core documentation is continuously written and edited by Manticore and members of the Creator Community. To contribute, click the edit icon in the top right corner of any page of the documentation.

Last update: April 7, 2020

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